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North Star: Calibrating Your Compass to Live Your Purpose

What is life than the constant desire to define and live your purpose?
It may not be a question that constantly lingers in your mind. But the desire to feel fulfilled and be in a sense of belonging is something deeply woven in everyone. With this, there would have been a moment in your day when you’ve paused to consider your life’s purpose. After all, there’s nothing more fulfilling than knowing you’re on the right path and doing what you’re meant to do.
“What is the meaning behind all of this?”
It’s a pretty weighty question to consider, lofty and existential.
The moment it crosses your mind, you would expectedly be concerned, to say the least. It’s one thing to ask what you’ve accomplished throughout the day, but another to truly dig deep and wonder where everything is supposed to lead you. Answering this question is basically an attempt to summarise your life in a single line, to encapsulate your being in a single reason.
Once the question crosses your mind, its immediate reaction would undoubtedly be worry.
It’s easy to mistake this as a sign of a life crisis—one of the reasons such pondering is typically misunderstood. However, regardless of how intimidating the question is, it’s important to normalize it, embrace it even. The minute your mind bumps into this, you begin to genuinely grow. It signals your mind and body’s drive to live your purpose and discover what you’re truly made to be.
The Answer Isn’t Definite. Instead, It’s a Journey
When such a question pops into your mind, how do you approach the answer?
Without a doubt, it’s a complicated endeavor. Hence, more often than not, the path toward a definite response often becomes a convoluted narrative encompassing more questions than answers.
Why is this so?

Now, the answer to this question is easy. It’s because life is supposed to be complicated. It’s not something you can quickly unravel and comprehend. But to live is to discover the wonder beyond the complicated. This is precisely why they say life is a cruise without a definite destination.
Everybody is on a journey towards spiritual connection and purpose.
It’s a constant endeavor of transformation, of becoming the person you’re truly meant to be. Life is a never-ending game of hide and seek, with you as the seeker and your life’s purpose as what you’re supposed to find. It’s a game you’d have to play wholeheartedly, filled with booby traps that may make the endeavor taxing yet fulfilling.
To Live Your Purpose, You’d Have to Discover It
Life is a game of hide and seek, and for you to find and live your purpose, you’d first have to calibrate your compass toward your true north.
How do you begin?
To live your purpose, you must first undergo plenty of introspection. It may sound complicated and cliché, but it’s a requirement for a fulfilling life. Purpose is what paves the meaning of your life. It’s essential to draw a clear picture of what you’re meant to be.
However, with this weight, it’s also undeniably a difficult task. Discovering your purpose may appear relatively similar to solving a puzzle, only that this puzzle is massive, with pieces that look closely similar to each other and others that may need weeding out. Purpose is an enormous ordeal. It’s not something you can discover in passing or accidentally. Instead, it takes conscious focus and effort.
To discover and live your purpose, you must understand its why, how, and what.

Why Do You Exist?
The first rule for discovering your purpose is to define your personal mission. But instead of being general about it, try answering the question: Why do you want to exist? Take a step back and truly examine what you want to do in your life. How do you want to be defined as a person? Answering this question will ease you closer to discovering your true north.
How Will You Live?
Now that you’ve established your primary motivation for living, it’s time to set some rules. How will you conduct yourself while existing? Throughout the journey of doing what you want, how will you interact with those around you? The answer to this will define the principles that define who you are.
What Are Your Goals?
What is the goal behind your reason for existence? Sure, we’ve established that life has no definite journey, but to answer this question, try looking at it as one with multiple stopovers. What do you want to see at the end of your journey? Now, these stopovers should have tangible outcomes you must achieve. What are these? Answering this question will help you draw what success means to you.
Overall, answering and living by these questions will help you define and live your purpose. It’s not a simple endeavor, for you’d have to truly consider all that your life would be. But once you’ve planned and organized it as it should be, you’ll realize how you’ve built a life filled with satisfaction for yourself.
To live your purpose, you must know what happiness means for you.

Witty and whimsy. As a writer, Mia finds a pleasant balance between clever and creative. With years of experience under her name, she aims to add meaning to your life through the articles she writes.