TheLitPerspective is your one-stop shop for everything that ignites the spark of curiosity within you.

Share Your Thoughts At The Lit Perspective!
The world becomes more substantial when seen from different perspectives.
The Lit Perspective team invites anyone with an idea to share their mind with our platform. If you have anything you’re passionate about and wish to speak about, you’re exactly who we’re looking for. Move the industry forward with your thoughts and opinions! You don’t have to be an expert to write for us. Just bring a fresh perspective to our table and keep the ball rolling.
Writing for us is a great way to speak up on matters that matter. It also is an opportunity to establish yourself in the field. Working with The Lit Perspective will give you social media exposure through our channels. Read more to understand what writing for us entails!
Get Featured In As Easy As 1, 2, 3
1 – Choose a Topic
2 – Submit Your Blog
3 – Wait for Our Approval
What We’re Looking For
We’re looking for engaging, informative, and exciting articles that add your personal flare to our platform. The more comprehensive your articles are, the higher your chances of getting featured. Remember that while Artificial Intelligence is everywhere these days, we will thoroughly check your submitted article to decline anything AI-generated. We’re also keen on only accepting your original content that hasn’t been submitted anywhere.
We publish what you worked hard on!
- The topic is well-defined, with an established and apparent argument or focal discussion point.
- The article should provide an in-depth discussion of between 700 and 1500 words.
- Be human! Your article must have a voice and personality.
- It should be reader-friendly, with the body broken down into headings and subheadings.
What We Do And Don’t Write About
Since The Lit Perspective covers a wide variety of topics, you might think we’ll be open to accepting any articles. But we have our restrictions, too. Our audience consists of anyone and everyone interested in reading, from bookworms to readers and business-minded individuals. We’re aiming to build a valuable library consisting of equally valuable topics.
We Write:
As The Lit Perspective’s objective is to become a reputable source of insights, discussions revolving around these topics must be compelling and informative.
- Literature-Related Topics
- Lifestyle Discussions
- Psychological Concepts
- Science & Technology
- History and Events
- Classic and Modern Entertainment News
- Business Information
We Don’t Write:
While we at The Lit Perspective respect every insight and the fact that people have personal opinions they wish to share, there are a few matters we won’t be opening our platform to. These may be separate from our own beliefs and matters outside our organization.
- Promotional Infographics
- Vague Discussions With No Evident Streamline of Thought
- Paid Promotions
- Posts that Advocate Harmful Beliefs
What To Take Note While Writing
These article guidelines ensure Guest Authors experience a smooth approval process. Submissions go through the team for a deliberate inspection process. By adhering to these submission guidelines, we can make this easier for both sides.
- Must reach the required 700-1500 word count.
- Must contain 1 External Link (from any reference website relevant to the article). This can be your website, your channel, or a third-party reference website.
- Published articles shouldn’t be republished elsewhere.
- Images are encouraged, but ensure they aren’t copyrighted. Send them separately.
Seal the Deal!
Thank you for your interest in contributing to our growth. Please fill out the form below with your pitch or whole article for submission. We’ll reach out to your provided Social Media channel when the checking process and posting are complete.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out!
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