What God Wants From People: What to Do and to Avoid

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People have been given the freedom to act and think on their own accord—free will, as it’s called, to do what they want and be who they want to be. This has been gifted to humanity because God wants good to happen, not because He wills it to but because people know it’s what should be.

Aside from this goodness, what else does He want them to do?

What God wants from people has been laid bare in the scriptures, and all that’s expected of them is execution, consistency, and commitment.

What God Wants From People?

People have always sought God for the things they want. Reaching out to Him through prayers and whispers for what lies deep within their hearts. For everything, God answers. For He is merciful and generous, He willingly gives what humanity asks. But has anybody asked what God wants from people?

What does He wish to see or receive from humanity?

“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8)

Justice. Kindness. Humility.

What God wants from people has been concisely written and summarized in the verse of Micah 6:8. It posits that among everything He could’ve asked or willed His followers to do and be, these three virtues are solely what He seeks. He wishes them to focus on living through these values, not for Him to enjoy. Instead, it’s for Him to see humanity, His children, be good to one another, and maintain peace.

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He doesn’t list specifics. He doesn’t say He wants humanity to worship Him and invent things for His honor. Instead, all He wishes them to do is treat each other fairly and respectfully, live in humility, and help one another through the different tides of life.

What Is God’s Purpose for Humans?

But what is the sole purpose of asking this question?

Why should they ask what God wants from people?

In her book The God I Know Christian Adventure, author Victoria Udo discusses how God has His needs just as people have theirs. Similarly, as how everyone wants satisfaction and fulfillment of these desires, so does God.

Although He didn’t make humanity for His satisfaction, it’s their responsibility to meet His needs. After all, what God wants from people aren’t things that benefit Him alone but things that make their lives better and the world harmonious. Hence, beyond anything there is to be, God’s sole purpose for humans is to thrive in goodness and love one another.

Purpose and happiness are individualistic demands that should also be catered to. But if people were to look at the bigger picture, the purpose set for them to accomplish, above everything, is to be good humans. To live with justice, kindness, and humility is what God wants from people.

What Must Be Done to Achieve These?

Justice, kindness, and humility are the only three virtues that God demands. But if people were to lump them into one, things can seem a bit intimidating to juggle. Each value carries a more profound definition, something requiring more intentionality and consistency from people.

These values are common. However, humanity has become so busy handling life that often, these slip right through their grasp. Here’s how they can meet God’s expectations:

Act Justly

Justice can seem like a poetic virtue. It’s one seemingly encompassing consequential matter. However, this can be deduced from the following concepts:

  • Treating others honorably and fairly is equivalent to being inclusive of everybody.
  • Behaving morally and choosing actions that are for the good of everyone.
A photo of people’s hands on top of one another | Image by Freepik

What God wants from people doesn’t have to be grand. With regards to living and choosing to side with justice, they aren’t required to bust every criminal activity and be more righteous than anybody else. Instead, they’re only asked to choose goodness every day and even in their most minor decisions.

Be Kind

Kindness is an easy value to adhere to and should be quickly proliferated. However, people often forget to behave in such a way in their lives. They’re so caught up chasing their pursuits and surviving that they miss focusing on gestures that matter. This goes beyond being kind to others but fully embracing kindness and showing it to everyone, especially oneself.

Often, people can be kind, but only to a certain few. This attitude is wrong. It’s not what God wants from people, as this can lead to friction and division instead of the contrary. God wants people to be kind and merciful, for He is likewise. He calls for them to follow in His steps.

Walk Humbly in Life

Humility is a word that has gradually lost value in life. With technology and social media feeding people’s egoistic needs, this value is no longer esteemed. In fact, those who are humble have gradually been looked down upon and dismissed, often seen as having no impact or achievements. Now, society embraces the egoistical and those who are loud in their actions and accomplishments. It doesn’t value the weight of actions more but how loud and attention-worthy these are.

However, what God wants people from people isn’t how loud and proud they are of what they’ve done. Instead, He wants them to walk humbly with Him. He wants them to do good but do it without seeking others’ approval or attention, for that is sincerity.

If you want to know more about what God wants from people, grab a copy of Victoria Udo’s The God I Know now!

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