Welcome One and All: The Lit Perspective Opens Its Pages

Photo by Emmet

Hello there! You might’ve just stumbled here through a stray link or something, nonetheless–thanks! Every little bit counts, as they say. Regardless of how you came here, welcome to the site! 


We’re extremely excited to open our digital doors to you to enjoy this space we’ve been working on and crafting. Whether you’re a seasoned blog enthusiast or a curious newcomer, we’ve got something for everyone! The Lit Perspective was thought up to be a nexus for lots of interesting and compelling viewpoints on anything and everything–from Entertainment to Science to Literature to Lifestyles and everything in-between! 

With The Lit Perspective, you’ll be provided with in-depth dives into today’s pressing issues and interests. We’ll explore fascinating worlds with you, unpacking complex topics and hopefully making them accessible to a wider audience. We won’t just be about theoretical stuff. We also want to equip you with practical advice and actionable tips so your perspective on the world can be as lit as ours! 

Here at The Lit Perspective, knowledge should be as captivating as it is informative. So, get ready for articles that are as entertaining as they are educational. Engaging stories are where we’re at in The Lit Perspective.

Furthermore, we want this to be more than just a blog. We want to create a vibrant community, a place to connect with people from all walks of life. So, now that we’ve got this ball rolling, you can share your thoughts, post your questions, and jump into the conversation!


Okay, you may be wondering, “Where’d the name come from? Why do we call ourselves The Lit Perspective?” 

According to the Urban Dictionary, “lit” can be defined as something cool or awesome. Taking that definition, we want to offer a fresh perspective on a lot of things.

So, we live in a world overflowing with communication. Social media has become so enmeshed and integrated with our lives and society. 

It’s doubtful the new generation can even conceive of a world without social media! We text, chat, and video call, and our voices are constantly teetering a web of connection. Some connections might even span continents! 

Yet, even in this digital age of wider possibilities, the average perspective on things is still quite narrow. But why? Why is it that, although we have access to a lot more, we don’t have a wider perspective on things? Isn’t it strange that some perspectives haven’t budged since the 1800s? 

Of course, the reasons, like the stories we want to tell and the articles we want to write, are vast and varied. 


There’s a lot that we here at The Lit Perspective want to do. 

  • We want The Lit Perspective to become a lens toward the past. 
  • We want to investigate history, share knowledge we’ve come upon, and offer another way of examining the past. 
  • We want this site to be a place for self-discovery. 
  • We want to write articles and present stories that explore the depths of thought and emotions. 
  • We want to provide catharsis when we can so you can grapple with complex feelings and gain a deeper understanding of yourself and other people. 
  • With that in mind, The Lit Perspective wants to be a gateway, a hub for connection. 
  • We want to share our experiences with others, their dreams, their fears, and everything else. 
  • We want to be a door where people can escape from the ordinary and reach out further beyond their comfort zones. 


We at The Lit Perspective are quite passionate about a lot of things. All of us can’t wait to share that passion with you. We want to show you the lit perspective on things. So, grab a glass of whatever, settle in, cover your ears, and prepare to explore! We’re excited to grow!

If you want to stay connected and get the most out of this blog:

  • Subscribe: Never miss a post! Sign up for our email list to deliver fresh content straight to your inbox.
  • Follow us: Join the conversation on our social media! We’ll share updates and fun tidbits and engage with all of our followers.
  • Comment below: Let us know what you think! We value your feedback and want to make this blog a space that genuinely resonates with you.

This is just the beginning of a fantastic journey. We’re excited to have you on board and can’t wait to see where this adventure takes us all.

Happy reading!

The Team at The Lit Perspective

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