Tying the Knot: Why Marriage Is Still Very Important

A married couple walking over a bridge.
Tying the knot is a special occasion and should be celebrated.

Photo by Scott Webb

Within the Christian tradition, tying the knot is not just a civil contract. It’s a sacred covenant between you and your partner and God Himself. As far as history can recall, the unity of two people has been a firm pillar of human society. This is especially so within the Christian framework of household and society. As such, there is a great need for it to be preserved as the institution that it is.

The Biblical Foundation for Tying the Knot

There is a clear understanding of marriage as foundational and sacred in both the Old and New Testaments.

This verse from Genesis 2:24 establishes that marriage lasts a lifetime and that it is at once both a physical and spiritual bond that goes beyond any one individual desire:

That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.

The sentiment is only further reinforced by Christ Himself, who quotes from the passage above, saying in Matthew 19:6:

So they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, let no one separate.

Marriage is foundational and cannot be dissolved and sanctified by God as a witness. Therefore, no human decree can break it.

A couple embracing each other face-to-face.
Tying the knot is a special occasion and should be celebrated.

Photo by Luis Quintero

Why Marriage Is Still Very Important

Beyond the Biblical verses that speak of the sanctity of marriage, within the Christian worldview, marriage is also a simulacrum of our church’s relationship with Christ. The church is loved and cherished by Christ; similarly, a wife should be loved and cherished by her husband as well. Marriage is not simply a physical connection; it is one that exists in the spiritual dimension, too. It is a facsimile of God’s divine love and, thus, can only be cleaved by God Himself.

In Christian society, the most basic and foundational element is the family, and its most basic and foundational element is marriage. It is by the marriage of two people that a stable and nurturing environment is created for raising children. Children are blessings of God, and it is by marriage that they are taken care of and have the means to realize their true potential in the eye of the Lord. Marriage also allows parents to model God’s love for their children, offering them spiritual guidance.

The Erosion of Marriage is a Threat

From the Christian perspective, there has been a reorientation of what marriage exactly is. With the legalization of same-sex marriage and the widespread acceptance of “alternative” lifestyles, what is said to be a traditional view on marriage has come under heavy scrutiny.

A pair of wedding rings on a book.
Tying the knot is a special occasion and should be celebrated.

Photo by Caio

The Biblical definition of marriage is no longer commonplace. This has implications for society as a whole, and more especially with Christian families. It can be observed that children who have both a mother and a father tend to have better outcomes when it comes to education, mental health, and overall well-being. The continued erosion of what is considered traditional marriage may lead to more divorces, more single-parent households, and more families splitting. This is bad for everyone involved, especially the children.

The redefinition of marriage reaches far by defining marriage as something other than the union between two members of the opposite sex. Traditional gender roles are redefined as well. This undermines centuries-old cultural norms, which may lead to the dissolution of social cohesion.

The Need for Tying the Knot

Where the world is moving past, Christians then are obligated to defend God’s will. Of course, this does not mean that we should claim for ourselves judgement and intolerance, only that we should be more proactive when it comes to preserving our traditions and Biblical norms.

  • This includes being an advocate for policies that promote marriage, strengthen families, and protect children.
  • Learning how to educate the public on Biblical understanding is also critical.
  • A powerful message is also to be a good example.

In light of the changing times, there is a need to remember that there is still a way. Kenneth Connelly’s The Forgotten Option takes readers through a Christian outlook of marriage and family: one that understands why marriage may waver but concludes that there is more to marriage than one’s earthly commitments.

Click this link to get a copy of The Forgotten Option.

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