The Big Life with Dogs: A Doozy with Duke and Lucy

Photo by Jamie Brown

The big life with dogs is crazy and zany, but it’s full of fun and laughter!
A young woman smiling widely with her eyes closed.

Reading about the attitudes of dogs, which can be very much like that of people’s, it can be quite puzzling why loads of people continue to do so. Of course, there’s a reason for everything.

A Doozy with Duke and Lucy

My life changed completely the day we got Duke and Lucy. These two aren’t just big dogs. They’re big personalities–though different, but both a swirling vortex of fur, slobber, and boundless energy all the same.

Living with them has been an adventure, a constant exchange of chaos and cuddles.

Photo by Helena Lopes

Duke, at 90 pounds, is the epitome of a Golden Retriever: the living embodiment of sunshine and enthusiasm. He greets me every morning with a tail-wagging frenzy, showering me with sloppy kisses before finally demanding breakfast be served.

Walks with Duke are a masterclass in meandering. He has a nose for every interesting scent, from the perfectly ordinary blades of grass to the suspiciously intriguing discarded gum wrapper. His walks invariably transform into sniffing expeditions, broken up by bursts of zoomies as he bounds through the park like a furry golden missile.

Photo by Reuben Mcfeeters

Lucy, on the other hand, is a different story altogether. A regal 75-pound Siberian Husky with piercing blue eyes, she exudes an air of aloofness that borders on disdain. While Duke begs for attention, Lucy tolerates it on her own terms. Pet her under the chin? Bliss. Try to scratch her back? Prepare for the side-eye of a lifetime.

Walking with Lucy is a purposeful stride, a determined exploration of the world around her. She pulls with the strength of a small car chugging through, always a step ahead, her husky howl echoing through the park.

The Big Life with Dogs: A Crazy Family

Despite their contrasting personalities, Duke and Lucy have a surprisingly amicable bond. They wrestle together inside the house and outside, with Duke, despite his size, often ending up on the bottom. Lucy, ever the instigator, knows how to use her agility and outmaneuvers her more lumbering friend all the time.

Yet, when a thunderstorm rumbles, Duke is always seeking comfort by burrowing under Lucy’s belly. Maybe he finds solace in her quiet strength?

Living with these two giants has been a crash course in canine communication. I’ve learned to decipher Duke’s excited barks from his “I need to go potty” whimpers. Lucy’s dramatic sighs almost always translate to “feed me already,” while a single, piercing stare means, “You wouldn’t dare take away my toy, would you?”

Of course, it wouldn’t be real life without its challenges. The constant shedding is enough to bury a small nation in fur. Drool paints the path they take throughout the house, a glistening, often sticky trail that leads to their latest chew toy victim. Furniture re-arranging is a regular occurrence, courtesy of their enthusiastic tail wags.

The Big Life with Dogs: A Zany Life

But amidst the chaos, there’s an undeniable joy. It was a boring life without them, but their presence has turned everything upside down. For the better! Watching Duke chase butterflies with the earnestness of a toddler is a heart-warming spectacle. Lucy’s soulful gaze holds a quiet wisdom that speaks volumes. They greet me at the door after a long day with an unbridled enthusiasm that melts away any stress. Walks in the park become opportunities to unwind and appreciate the simple pleasure of a dog chasing a frisbee on a crisp fall day.

The big life with dogs is more than just having pets. It’s having companions, comedians, and confidants. They may eat my shoes and drool on my furniture, but in return, they fill my life with laughter, unconditional love, and a boundless sense of adventure.

They remind me to embrace the simple joys, to find amusement in the unexpected, and to face the world with a wagging tail and a playful spirit.

Life with Duke and Lucy is a doozy, one full of laughter and unconditional love. They may drive me crazy sometimes, but they enrich my life in ways I never imagined. They’ve taught me patience, responsibility, and the importance of living in the moment. They’ve reminded me of the simple pleasures: a walk in the park, a playful tug-of-war, the warmth of a body curled up beside you.

So, if you’re considering welcoming a big personality or two into your life, be prepared for an adventure. It won’t always be easy, but the love, laughter, and companionship they bring will make it all worthwhile.

If you want to read your kids a doozy with dogs, Yvonne Bronstorph’s Dogs With Attitude can be found here.

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