Steadfastness in Faith: To Be Immovable Is to Be Unyielding

a person kneeling and praying along the shore, showing steadfastness in faith

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

What does it mean to have steadfastness in faith? How can we nurture being steadfast and immovable?

“Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.” – 1 Corinthians 15:58 (ESV)

Steadfastness is a necessity in our Christian life. However, as part of life, we are vulnerable to confront a variety of adversities. Life can be an arduous journey filled with intricacies and uncertainties that may have the probability of influencing and reshaping our perspectives. Pretty much all of us human beings have experienced change as a constant. As we go about life, we grow, we learn, we explore, and we discover. Through these phases, we change and our perspective also changes.

Life’s complexities have a potent ability to alter us and steer us through transitions and changes. It is indisputable that they can sometimes be uncontrollable.

Life also encompasses the people around us, who can greatly influence our thoughts and emotions about certain things. Thus, it is important to surround ourselves with positive people; otherwise, we will drown in the hands of tainted people. Moreover, these challenges also serve as a test of faith. Once we can successfully go through these, we can ensure a steadfastness in faith.

But that’s not simply how far it goes. Faith goes beyond and transcends a mere test or adversity.

As part of the Christian community, as part of God’s people, we are called to be steadfast in our faith, immovable in the gospel of God with firm belief and determination, loyal and faithful. Thus, we are to always abound in good works.

a person’s hands sprawled out while praying to God

Photo by Jeremy Yap on Unsplash

Steadfastness in Faith: To Be Spiritually Grounded

Embracing steadfastness in faith is a crucial part of spiritual growth. It involves maintaining a steady and unwavering commitment to God. It mirrors an unyielding dedication to uplift our beliefs and values in the face of adversity. Regardless of the difficulties and uncertainties life throws at us, we are to be steadfast, and whatever we believe cannot be swayed by the wind. A steadfast person defends the truth and stands against false teachings and doubters without these negatives shaking his own faith.

That said, steadfastness isn’t a mere virtue that illuminates within the comforts of peace and solitude. Steadfastness glimmers in conflict, afflictions, and uncertainty; thereby, a test of faith yields steadfastness. Ultimately, being steadfast brings us to a sense of fulfillment in life.

To Be Steadfast, We Must Know the Word of God

In this ever-changing world, we have the unchanging Word of God, which is a sure thing, trustworthy, dependable, and undeniably steadfast. The power of God’s Word unfolds the truth for all generations to abide by. It brings comfort, declaring God’s promises and reminding us of our place in Christ. The function of His Word equips us for every good work we partake in. Given this, it teaches us to build each other up in the faith, thereby cultivating the steadfastness within our very essence.

At the end of the day, we will be rewarded and blessed for our steadfastness. The rewards and joys of such a life of remaining steadfast are worth the effort.

a wooden cross on top of the mountain

Photo by Hugues de BUYER-MIMEURE on Unsplash

Ways to Remain Steadfast in Faith

Consistent Awareness and Connection

This encloses persistence in our faith and grounding in the steadfast Presence of God. To be consistently interlinked, we must find regular connection time of daily prayers, daily devotions, and nature walks. The aim of this approach is to open ourselves to the presence of God and remain connected, aware, and grounded.

Let Go of Distractions

To further strengthen and nurture our faith and steadfastness, we must know when to let go of distractions that only hinder our growth. This could encompass beliefs about ourselves, relationships, and habits. For our faith to thrive, we must be persistent in our faith.

Stay in A Continual Posture of Learning

Wisdom fuels our faith. Hence, we must pursue it. Otherwise, we will become stagnant wherever we are in life. Wisdom is an essential requirement for staying steadfast and persistent in our faith. To attain wisdom, we must expand our horizons and open our minds and hearts to accept new insights, ideas, and experiences. In this case, we are encouraged to learn continuously through helpful resources.

Encouragement From our Own Community

We are never alone in this faith journey we have embarked on. Thus, we must also consider those who encourage us and surround ourselves with their loving embrace of support and inspiration to battle and face against the many challenges in life. This way, we are encouraged to keep moving toward God and remain steadfast as a community.

Remain True With Yourself, and Stay in the Light

We must have a clear understanding of ourselves and take a look at where we are with our faith. We must assess ourselves and challenge ourselves to further deepen our steadfastness. In the face of life’s temptations and struggles, sometimes we end up with inauthenticity within our hearts. It is important to stay in the light, be honest with ourselves, and see how our faith prospers and glimmers when we are authentically us.

Finally, we highly recommend checking out “The God I Know: Amazing Supernatural Encounters with Jesus” by Victoria Udo. This book delves deep into steadfastness and is a bedrock of unwavering faith, love, and God’s infinite mercies.

To experience The God I Know Christian Adventure, click this link to grab your copy today.

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