5 Simple Mindfulness Practices to Bring You Peace Daily

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People who practice mindfulness are happier and healthier, bringing them more success than those who don’t. Perhaps, if anyone was looking for a surefire way to triumph in life, all they needed to do was look for simple mindfulness practices to do on the daily.

Who knew it could be that simple?

Mindfulness may be a concept that only recently caught fire. But it had already been subconsciously practiced and recognized for its benefits since time immemorial. Here’s a deeper dive into what it is, its benefits, and how people can incorporate it into their daily routines.

What Is Mindfulness?

Everyone understands the benefits of being present.

Regardless of what one tries to achieve, better results will be gathered if one pays attention. They can manage situations better, focus on resolving problems, and have more inventive ideas when they have a clear vision of what is happening. This is the overarching ideology behind mindfulness.

A practice of directing attention to what’s currently happening, mindfulness is being fully aware of where and what one is doing. It not only funnels people’s vision and energy toward what matters most but also prevents the mind from getting overcrowded and overwhelmed. Overall, mindfulness is a practice that sharpens people’s focus, allowing them to see and feel in the moment without burden.

How can this be done?

Simple Mindful Practices to Elevate Life

When life can be a buzz with anything and everything happening simultaneously, mindfulness brings people clarity. It helps them zoom in on what’s present, with their focus undivided on what’s happening now.

A photo of a woman holding a cup of coffee | Image by freepik

When the world can be too much, simple mindfulness practices can pull people back to reality. They help them avoid daydreaming and escaping too much, and they also reduce instances of excessive overthinking. These practices may seem like simple meditations. They appeal to be nothing more than breathing in and out. But looking at the bigger picture, mindfulness exercises help people avoid becoming too drained by directing their energy to a single event and not everything at once.

Simple mindfulness practices can be incorporated into people’s daily routines. Whether it’s breathing techniques or daily mindfulness journal prompts, many exercises exist to help.

1. Start the Day With A Purpose

Nothing aligns people’s attention more with what matters than setting a daily purpose. When people set their intentions, they know where to focus their energy and ideas. They’re able to manage their thoughts and behaviors toward a single streamlined goal, which not only makes things easier but will also give the best results. In setting their intentions, people’s words, actions, and responses become more aligned, mindful, and compassionate.

“What is my intention for today?”

The moment people open their eyes in the morning, they should prompt their minds to think about an answer to this question. Before checking their phones or starting their routines, they must already have an established motivation for the day. This should fuel their actions, defining how they must show up and have the best impact on their surroundings.

2. Enjoy Every Meal

Often, people rush into things and fail to appreciate what matters most. Mindful eating is among the most overlooked simple mindfulness practices. But it can also be the one with the most benefits. After all, people can’t function without their necessary fuel. Eating should be just as appreciated as every other activity people do. It shouldn’t just be done just because.

A photo of a woman eating | Image by Drazen Zigic on Freepik

Mindful eating will not only change people’s perceptions about it but also have a consequential impact on what happens afterward. It seems like an overstatement, but life becomes more positive when people don’t just eat for practicality. Hence, people are encouraged to be more present in every bite and sensation they experience during meals.

3. Rewire the Brain

Regardless of age, people often go through their days on autopilot. In fact, it’s estimated that 95% of people’s behaviors run automatically. These actions activate default brain signals, which promptly call people to act according to what they’re already used to.

Simple mindfulness practices take people off this autopilot nature. These encourage them to take control and be intentional with their choices and behaviors. No matter how overdone the activity they’re trying to do, they should still be fully present and deliberate with their choices.

Try something new. Tweak the routine a bit.

People can rewire their brains in many ways and create fresh patterns that will not only stimulate them but also provide foreign, more enjoyable situations.

4. Activate the Mind and Muscles

Nowadays, more and more people are spending time at the gym and working out. Exercise is among the most common simple mindfulness practices people unknowingly do. Instead of simply burning those calories off, working out also helps people shift their minds. Going from busy to capable and focused, exercising synchronizes their body, mind, and nervous system.

“Aside from lifting, what should I focus on today?” While lifting plays a significant role in working out, people also experience many different sensations they can focus on throughout the day. Choosing one and concentrating on it will improve their mindfulness.

5. Be More Calm

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Whatever activity people are doing, there are simple mindfulness activities to practice. But throughout everything they do, the exercise they shouldn’t forget to apply is being calm. By calmly attending to their routines, people are better able to focus on what’s at hand. They don’t let their emotions or reactivity get in the way and have more control over what occurs.

To achieve this, people can sprinkle phrases of self-compassion like “May I be happy, may I be at ease.” This way, people recognize no need to rush or be burdened.

To Conclude

A massive concept that author David Tuttle communicates in his book Soul Licensed revolves around spirituality. Although he primarily talks about the possibility of after-death communications, the author also touches on the spiritual realm, how this applies to life, and what people can do to maximize it.

In discussing so, David Tuttle touches on the importance of mindfulness in revitalizing one’s spiritual health. He mentions that through simple mindfulness practices, people not only improve their mental conditions but also strengthen their spirituality. This emphasizes the importance of mindfulness and the need to apply it in everyday activities.

If you’re interested in learning what David Tuttle says about mindfulness, grab a copy of his book Soul Licensed: Tips and Tales now!

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