Living Life to the Fullest: Finding Gratitude In Motion

a person jumping in the air on top of the mountain, living life to the fullest

Photo by Peter Conlan on Unsplash

Living life to the fullest is to be in motion with the grand scheme of life, and at the same time, living life to the fullest is to find gratitude within the very depths of that motion. Spinning at a vibration so magnificent, we are led to attaining meaning and ultimate fulfillment in life.

The complexities of life often take a toll on us. That is an inevitable part of life. We will experience the hardships that come along with its complexities, one way or another. Given the setbacks, we are propelled to regard life as unworthy of our existence. We immediately assume that life is too hard for us to handle, so the end result is to give up.

By giving up, we begin to deluge ourselves into the pit of misery and despair. We end up living our lives unproductively. Our minds gradually become filled with fears, anxieties, negativity, and pessimism, that we oversee our capability to bounce back.

Life no longer seems such a nice place to be in. And the root of this could be our blurred vision of the positive aspects of life.

a lit signage of the phrase “life is beautiful”

Photo by Katarzyna Grabowska on Unsplash

Finding Gratitude In the Motion of Life

“Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.” – Robert Breau

Even the little things are not so little once we are able to capture their very essence in our lives. At the moment, we tend to overlook and neglect these small yet significant things in life because we are overly fixated on something we have not yet attained. We gravitate toward wanting more and more, never becoming contented with what we currently have.

The thing is, we don’t have to chase for something that’s already right in front of us. Ultimately, our vision will find clarity once we pay attention to the good and positive things in life, acknowledge what we have, and practice gratitude.

Life sometimes teases us and plays with our thoughts and emotions. It challenges us in various ways we never anticipated. Somehow, it delivers an illusion.

When we think of it, life in the present seems alright with all the good things we have. Occasionally, we just ignore these things because we see it as a natural come-and-go sort of thing. Maybe, at that moment, that particular “good aspect” in life doesn’t seem enough, nor does it fulfill us.

However, the illusion occurs when we no longer have this “good aspect” in our lives. All of a sudden, we become filled with regret for not relishing the moment of experiencing it to the fullest. Why is it so sudden that what once meant nothing now means so much to us?

a photo of orange flowers

Photo by Vlad Kutepov on Unsplash

Embark on an Adventure of What It Means to Truly Live

“One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure.” – William Feather

Take life as an adventure – an adventure loaded with ups and downs. This rollercoaster ride of life guides us to experience what it means to truly live.

To truly live a meaningful life, we must embrace the act of living life to the fullest by finding gratitude in this grand scheme of life in motion. We must seize every opportunity in front of us and take the risk. At the end of the day, life is all about taking risks. It’s not an adventure of a lifetime when we don’t take risks. Where’s the excitement in that?

Living Life to the Fullest: Today Is a Gift Worth Relishing

“Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.” – Buddha

Today is a gift worth relishing, and whatever happens at the moment is what truly matters most. Living life to the fullest is all about making the most of every day.

Seize the day. Carpe Diem.

Take full advantage of the present opportunities to yield a meaningful and fulfilling life.

A book that dabbles into the great scheme of life and the miracle of who we are as individuals living life to the fullest is Poetry In Motion. It is a poetry book that delves into the landscape of life by Quattlebaum. We highly recommend checking it out to find gratitude in motion and experience life like no other within the pages of Raymond Quattlebaum’s masterpiece.

To purchase your own copy and seize the advantage of being in motion with life, we direct you to click through this link.

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