Life Lessons from a Pandemic: What COVID Taught Us

A girl holding a placard saying COVID-19.
These are life lessons from a pandemic.

Photo by cottonbro studio

COVID-19 was a monumental weight in history. It was a once-in-a-lifetime event that changed societies, warped economies, and altered the lives of an entire planet. While we are still reeling from what happened and learning how to navigate its wake, it’s still important to take the time, find a place, and really—actually—reflect on what lessons were learned.

A World That is Transformed

What happened during the COVID-19 pandemic was traumatizing for global society: healthcare systems were overwhelmed, and the economy suffered greatly. It forced all of us to reckon collectively with how our society should function.

The virus exposed extremely deep-rooted issues with how we have laid society.

One of the most immediate and visible issues the pandemic showed us was the fact that the healthcare system worldwide stood on tenterhooks. Who could forget when hospitals were flooded, nurses and doctors pushed to the brink, and medicine became as rare as gems? The global infrastructure we had for healthcare was shown to be extremely vulnerable—with a present need to update it as quickly as possible before the next pandemic happens.

COVID also revealed how deeply the world was interconnected and how thoroughly the working class was exploited. During the pandemic, there was a massive transfer of wealth while, at the same time, there were record profits. This happened amidst the backdrop of broken supply chains, soaring unemployment, and businesses being forced to shut down. Even now, the monstrous inequities showcased by the pandemic still haven’t been addressed.

On a more personal and communal level, the pandemic quickened a growing epidemic of loneliness and isolation. In a world where relationships were slowly getting harder and harder to make, the introduction of the pandemic really stymied any attempts to address those issues and promote self-care. While critical for stemming outbreaks, the lockdowns, and the restrictions really did a number on a society that was in the throes of alienation.

A man looking into the mirror.
These are life lessons from a pandemic.

Photo by Min An

Life Lessons from a Pandemic

There is—without a doubt—more to say about the collective trauma we suffered because of the pandemic. But let us look at the horizon while thinking about the past. While COVID-19 ravaged the world, it was also a catalyst for many people and urged them to try and change the world for the better. On the individual level, it has made us confront our vulnerabilities and reassess what it is that we should prioritize in life.

Because of the pandemic, we were forced to reimagine a better way of working and living.

As the world rises from what it suffered, the lessons we learned from the pandemic should guide us to a better world. While the challenges seem insurmountable, the rewards are much, much greater.

Life Lessons from a Pandemic: Resilience

A good lesson from the pandemic- and perhaps the most common one- is resilience. More than any event in the last twenty years, the pandemic really showed us the extent of human resilience. Many amongst us discovered an extraordinary knack for adapting and overcoming tumultuous events.

Life Lessons from a Pandemic: Gratitude

The pandemic also grounded a lot of folks. It made them reorient their perspectives on what life really is. It made them rethink their priorities, and taught them to appreciate the simple things in life. Through the harrowing events of the pandemic, people saw what life was really all about and what they missed most.

Life Lessons from a Pandemic: Connection

Despite the presence of the internet and other methods for associating sans physical presence, we all still felt the need to connect with our fellow man. Thus, the pandemic actually emphasized that humans truly were social animals. This pushed people to be more thoughtful. It made people more appreciative of their time with others and the necessity of being with others, regardless of reason.

Life Lessons from a Pandemic: Self-Care

Perhaps the brightest lesson that the pandemic taught everyone was the need to live in the moment. With many plans and schedules interrupted and destroyed, a lot learned to focus on the world before them instead of the world that should have been.

A woman with her arms spread under the sky.
These are life lessons from a pandemic.

Photo by Daniel Reche

Theresa Y. Wee’s My COVID-19 Diary is a firsthand account of what happened during the pandemic. It is a memoir and has life lessons from a doctor, a wife, and a mother.

Learn from these gems and look on the bright side!

To get a copy of the book, click through this link!

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