How to Seek Truth: Looking for Honesty in a Confusing World

photo of typewriter with truth on the paper teaching us how to seek truth
Photo by Markus Winkler

There is an innate need in us to learn how to seek truth because similar to a plant’s urge to grow toward the sun, so is the human instinct to seek the truth.

One benefit of searching for the truth is that we learn, based on the Bible, that death is not the end. Rev. Michael H. Lavery has written a wonderful book about a story of a soldier facing a fateful reassignment, titled “A Man’s Search For Truth” LUCIUS A Soldier’s Journey, that sprung him to the journey of seeking truth. Now, we all know that looking for the truth is important, but how can we properly seek it?

Today, I’ll show you some ways to help you pursue the truth wherever you may be.

Step 1: Schedule Some Time to Seek the Truth Every Day

This calls for deliberate thought, preparation, and timing. The most fundamental step in pursuing the truth is scheduling a consistent time each day to read God’s word. Why should you do this? Because perseverance is necessary for this admirable endeavor. It takes a long time to get formed with the divine truth found in the Bible because it does so gradually.

What this implies is that we should consult God’s word both on good and bad days. Maintaining our scheduled time is crucial, even on the days when we “don’t feel like it.” Over time, adhering to our scheduled time becomes a long-lasting habit. If we don’t spend our allotted time studying God’s word, we’ll then sense that something is off.

pages from the Bible softly fluttering and flipping telling us how to seek truth
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦

2. Keep the Amount of Time You Spend Consistent

In my own experience, I’ve discovered that shorter daily time suits me best. This facilitates the development of my habit. I also feel that keeping a time log is beneficial. Like for me, I try to study for thirty minutes at a time.

But when I’m truly enjoying the truth in God’s word, I might occasionally stray a little bit. I could also have to shorten the duration to 10 to 15 minutes in other instances. Nonetheless, I think it’s preferable to “check in” to take a lesser amount of time and document it. This sustains my habit.

Learning how to seek truth behind the word of God is a must. If you read Rev. Michael H. Lavery’s a story of a soldier facing a fateful reassignment, you’ll discover that Lucius has his own way or routine of seeking the truth. Lucius understood that he needed to search for the truth because he knew that to seek truth and wisdom is our ultimate duty.

Step 3: Get Your Studying Tools Ready

Jumping right into the journey of finding the truth is a method that I’ve found to be unreliable. You need to ease yourself into the task and get everything ready. I enjoy keeping my life studies open and my Bible next to me while I’m reading a novel. It’s similar to enjoying stunning landscapes with the assistance of an expert guide.

Other folks also listen to some music as they read scriptures, the word of God, and other sources of information.

cup of coffee with leaf cream with the truth on its rim encouraging us the way on how to seek truth
Photo by Barry Bierman

Step 4: Get Yourself a Notebook or an App for Taking Notes to Help You Study

For my part, I store my Bible study notes in a phone app called Writer+. It’s an excellent resource for condensing important ideas from electronic literature. Aside from that, I also keep a physical copy of the Bible on the table where I’m reading so that I can easily check verses in real time.

Technology has made it really easy to create and store information. It’s fantastic since it enables me to conduct serious Bible study practically anywhere, like on an airplane without Wifi.

man reading the Bible clearly showing us how to seek truth
Photo by RDNE Stock project

Additional Step When Learning How to Seek Truth—Don’t Read Too Quickly

Recall the tale of the hare and tortoise. The race is won by the turtle. To reap the benefits for the rest of your life, follow a methodical and gradual approach that you can maintain for several years.

I hope that this post has been a great help to you. Don’t forget to check out a story of a soldier facing a fateful reassignment, “A Man’s Search For Truth” LUCIUS A Soldier’s Journey, by Rev. Michael H. Lavery. Now it’s your turn to share some of the things that you do to awaken the truth seeker in you.

Share your thoughts in the comments below, and read some of our stuff as well. We have a great article titled “Learning from the Miracles of Jesus: A Testament to His Love” you’ll absolutely have fun reading it!

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