Homelessness Among Veterans: Why They Are at a Greater Risk

Photo by Mike Tolliver

Homelessness among veterans is a problem in our country that we seriously need to address because anybody, especially our veterans, deserves better than to sleep on the streets.

Richard Berry, author of Sheltered by Jesus, A Voice for the Homeless, has worked to help many homeless individuals be safe from the streets. He knows that homelessness is a societal issue. An issue that we should integrate shelters with services for long-term solutions, a solution I do agree with.

So, I’d like for you to join me today as we talk about why veterans are at a greater risk of becoming homeless and what we can do.

Is the Issue of Veteran Homelessness Truly Colossal?

In a study done by the National Library of Medicine titled “Prevalence and Risk of Homelessness Among U.S. Veterans,” the results do show that our brave veterans absolutely have a higher risk of becoming homeless. The study reveals that one of the factors why such a thing happens is due to the PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) and combat exposure that veterans carry with them.

There is even evidence that shows veterans from the most recent generations (like those who actively served in Afghanistan and Iraq) quickly become homeless after retiring from the military.

image of old man sitting down on steps with his hand covering his face worried about the problem of homelessness among veterans
Photo by Ben Hershey

Let’s Talk About Some Veteran Homelessness Causes

Now, research that focuses on the subject of homelessness among veterans is still practically ongoing. But we do have an understanding of it.

Books about homelessness, like Sheltered by Jesus, A Voice for the Homeless by Richard Berry, wouldn’t have been written if homelessness wasn’t a pandemic problem. Let’s now check out some probable causes for the growing number of homeless veterans below.

• Economic Instability and Low Income

Getting all the hours and years of military training and work can make it very difficult for military veterans to go from being brave soldiers risking their lives for their country into regular civilians and going to a 9 – 5 job. This leads to towering unemployment rates and hardships when paying rent. This mixture of hardships is an exacerbation of low availability of affordable housing.

A lack of jobs, the constantly increasing cost of living, and inflation make it really hard for veterans to acquire and maintain a stable house.

• Substance Abuse and Addiction

I honestly believe that it’s impossible for any normal citizen or civilian to grasp whatever hardships and horrors a military veteran has been through unless they were caught up in a war-torn place themselves. Due to their harrowing experiences, many of them resort to abusing substances that make it hard for them to function.

While it is a form of coping mechanism for the pain they’ve experienced, it is certainly an unhealthy one. This leads to them becoming addicts who abuse alcohol, opioids, meth, etc. Their addiction only worsens, which could then quickly snowball and result in them becoming homeless.

• Mental Health Issues and PTSD

There is a huge number of military veterans suffering from PTSD as I’m writing this article. Aside from PTSD, veterans can also develop other debilitating mental health problems. Problems that make it harder for them to live a happy, secure, and stable life.

If left unchecked and untreated, mental health issues and PTSD can negatively affect a veteran’s life and relationships with other people. What even makes it doubly difficult for our veterans is that those with PTSD have a higher chance of developing some form of substance abuse.

image of man with only one leg and a crutch smoking and contemplating how difficult life is with homelessness among veterans on the rise
Photo by Alev Takil

How Can We Help Solve the Issue About Homelessness Among Veterans?

We can provide aid in big ways by volunteering in homeless shelters, donating to legitimate groups that help military veterans, and simply spreading awareness about the issue.

I suggest you start by buying a copy of Sheltered by Jesus, A Voice for the Homeless by Richard Berry. The money earned from the book sale will be used to provide for many homeless individuals. It’s a good way to get the ball rolling and start your journey of helping out the homeless.

I hope all of you had a great time reading and that you learned some stuff, too. Let me know your thoughts about the subject using the comments section below. Read up on our other articles about social issues, too, and discover what happens when strongmen misuse tech!

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