How to Be Happy and Healthy With the Food That You Eat

a person eating, being happy and healthy with food

Photo by Pablo Merchán Montes

Food is fuel. As simple as those three words may seem when a person first reads them, in about a minute or two, the reader’s mind will begin to flitter through a myriad of thoughts. A person’s perspective of food can range from one to another, and it could be good or bad. Nevertheless, it is imperative for a person to have a happy and healthy relationship with food.

While food is indeed fuel for a living being’s body to survive, serving as its nutritional support, this does not necessarily mean that for a person to maintain good health, they should eat bland and/or boring foods. A compilation of recipes by Eleanor Gaccetta is sure to be an excellent guide for people who are feeling lost in their journey toward better eating habits.

In today’s modern world, people have easy access to almost everything within their hands. Thanks to the World Wide Web, anyone can connect with one another within a split second. While the innovation of the internet truly brings convenience to all, it also has its own downsides. When a person can scroll through social media and see other people live seemingly perfect lives, some if not most, can tend to compare themselves to those types of people.

photo of a tablet with the Instagram app

Photo by Souvik Banerjee

Put yourself in this scenario: You’re scrolling through the popular social media application called Instagram. As you move your thumb across the screen, seeing a fantastic picture to another, there might be a second where you can’t help but compare yourself to such people. Toned, tanned, and fit; while there, you are feeling a bit tired from the daily hustle and bustle and maybe not getting enough of the rest that you need, feeling a bit insecure about yourself. Remember this: “Comparison is the thief of joy.”

It’s easy to say one thing, but it’s a whole different matter when it comes to doing. It is highly understandable that, as humans, we wish to become better than where we currently stand in life. Feeling insecure is normal, but what is not is having such a negative perspective of yourself that it reaches a point where you forget to take care of your body.

In a time where everywhere we look, we are bombarded by societal pressures. Some people give in to the pressure and reach a point where they hurt themselves, and yes, this includes eating disorders. Whether it is binge eating or starving yourself of food altogether, it all comes down to one thing: you or someone dear to you is struggling, and they have an unhealthy relationship with food.

Never mind the severity of said struggle with food; this is something that you must keep in mind and remind your loved one that there is always hope, and there is always light at the end of the tunnel. We are here to help. With that said, here are ways on how to build a healthy relationship with food:

Ask for help by teaming up with an expert.

A therapist and an intuitive eating expert are the recommended and excellent professionals to approach when it comes to seeking help in healing your relationship with food. With a professional’s help, they will help you get to the root of your issues with food and guide you to take care of yourself on your own terms.

Practice eating mindfully.

Do you know what is better than counting calories or measuring your food intake in cups and grams? Eating mindfully! Your body may have different needs on a daily basis; some days, you want to eat less, and other days, you will need more fuel, especially when you are active and busy. Learn to recognize your body’s cues of physical hunger and fullness. Once you are in tune with your own body, you are one step closer to a better and healthier relationship with food.

Try to avoid an obsession with nutrition.

Yes, health is wealth, and proper nutrition is essential to maintaining good health, but in this modern and somehow vain world that we live in, the diet industry can suck you in. At times, you may feel lousy about your body, but remember that too much of anything is never good! Remember this: those who constantly worry about nutrition do not necessarily translate to getting more nutritional benefits.

Ensure that your body is getting enough food.

With all the hustle and bustle of daily life, it can be easy to forget about eating altogether. Make sure to take your meals on time, and don’t beat yourself up too much about a few mistakes every now and then.

At the end of the day, if you or someone in your life are showing signs that they are struggling with food, let’s all help each other out whenever we can. After all, kindness does not cost anything. “Generations Of Good Food” is a delightful cookbook that is full of recipes that have spanned six generations. Order a copy today!  It is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble online or at

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