God Is Always at Work Even When People Are at Rest

a generated photo of how God would have looked | Image by freepik

God is likened to a lot of things. But among everything He’s compared to, God may be the most similar to air. Like it, He is everywhere. People may not see Him, but they can feel His presence in countless ways, helping them get through their toughest days. Like air, God is always at work, doing the most for whom He’s governing over. He is always there. “There” may not be in the foreground, but He is ever-present, ministering people’s lives toward improvement.

Most everybody knows this. How He works is an acknowledged case with which every Catholic lives. It’s a concept they all accept and understand, save for the innocent at heart. So, how can people teach children not only about God’s omnipresence but His everlasting protection and guidance?

What Does “God Is Always at Work” Mean?

“You don’t understand now what I am doing, but someday you will.” (John 13:7)

Despite how evident it is, people often still fail to understand how God influences their lives. God is always at work, but the problem is that people fail to look and consider thoroughly. They’re often so overcome with their daily struggles and desires for survival that they miss the opportunity to carefully examine where God comes into their lives.

Things may look dead and dreary now, but the experiences shaping this outlook are part of a much bigger picture. God is always at work, and just because things seem uncertain doesn’t mean He isn’t. God is the creator of everything. He has power over all things. If He wishes things to be, they will be.

God is always at work, which is evident in how people are told to let go of their woes and fears.

They’re reminded to hand their plans to Him and are guaranteed they’ll find fulfillment in God’s time. However, people are neck-deep into the grind, always at the moment, that they fail to see what’s happening underneath. When even adults have trouble wrapping their minds around the fact that God is always at work, how challenging would it be for children?

A photo of a woman holding a child with light shining before them | Image by freepik

The answer relies on how adults approach the situation.

Letting Children Know How God Works

Children have trouble believing what they can’t see. Yet to develop a keen sense of the world and its mechanisms, they rely on certainties. This poses difficulty when it comes to discussions about God.

When asked who helps them, children won’t hesitate to give the names of their parents, friends, and even teachers. These are the people whom they acknowledge play crucial roles in their lives. Some will recognize God’s part in their lives, while others will be unaware. What should be done to get them to understand His presence?

Giving a Clear Image of His Works

Fortunately, some minds have come up with a way to deal with this debacle. Authors have written about Him and His works in ways that meet their perspective. They have deduced His ministrations (without disrespecting His name) for them to comprehend.

One such author is Teresa Haven Pelinski. In her book about rain for kids, Teresa opens with a good question: Where does rain come from? From an adult’s perspective, the answer can get very technical and scientific. They can go on and on about precipitation and the whole rain cycle, all of which would be too complex for young minds to process. This is why the story, revolving around such a question, becomes a medium that opens up another discussion pointing toward God’s greatness.

Staying clear of the scientific explanation, the protagonist’s mother went on about how the rain is a gift from God, a tool He uses to shower the world with blessings to beautify their lives. She goes to tell her daughter that the rain is proof of how God is always at work, ever considering what His people need.

From such a simple children’s book, the author has already given children a sense of God’s nature. She has already painted a clear image of what the sentiment “God is always at work” means, an example of how this influences people’s lives.

A photo of children gathered together to read the bible | Image by freepik

Reading the Bible Together

There’s no better way to introduce how God works to children than by reading God’s word. Through the scriptures, they’ll see themes and how they reflect in reality. The Bible details God’s grace, love, and mercy for His people, showing how these will also be seen in the world. Reading the Bible opens children’s eyes to how God is always at work during the days before and until now.

The stories reflected in the scriptures are the best examples of how He influences people’s lives. It shows how He heals them and ensures they satisfy their desires, so long as these are healthy and don’t compromise others. The Bible captures His best works, documenting how He shows up to people, even those who may be deemed undeserving of His mercy.

Encouraging Them to Face Difficulties

The best way to show that God is always at work is by testing him—simple as that. To do this, children should be encouraged to face difficult things and observe if they’re able to overcome them. The discussion that takes place after they encounter challenges is where the conversation about God also occurs. Upon winning against these troubles, adults can talk about how God has guided them through everything as He hears whatever it is they’re going through.

God is present all the time, most especially during trying times. He works day and night to ensure everyone gets their deserved happiness and fulfillment. Children should be made aware of this. One way of doing so is by grabbing a copy of Teresa Haven Pelinski’s Rain From Heaven.

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