Children’s Books With Great Illustrations Kids Will Enjoy

image of a children's books with great illustrations
Photo by Haberdoedas

Children’s books with great illustrations are a must-have on any household bookshelf so that kids can have fun and learn from them.

Parents can use children’s books to both entertain and educate their youngsters. Looking for children’s books that inspire young readers to dream big is a crucial step that parents need to take. Chris Cochrane, author of “The Dinglehopper Blueberry Belly-Button Snooter,” has such a book.

What makes it better is that it’s not just a book about full of vibrant artwork by Cochrane. Young readers get to enjoy beautiful illustrations, an engaging story, and a moral lesson they won’t soon forget.

But Chris isn’t the only one with a children’s book like that. Today, I’ll be showing you other great children’s books, along with Chris’s book, with stunning illustrations that kids will love!

“The Dinglehopper Blueberry Belly-Button Snooter” by Chris Cochrane Is One of the Best Amazingly Illustrated Children’s Books

image of The Dinglehopper Blueberry Belly-Button Snooter as one of the best children's books with great illustrations
Photo from Chris Cochrane

A wonderful tale, The Dinglehopper Blueberry Belly-Button Snooter, follows Olivia and Caroline on an exciting journey with their father to meet a unique creature that has been secretly assisting them.

The girls eventually locate the bashful Dinglehopper Blueberry Belly-Button Snooter despite their initial doubts about its existence, and they put a lot of effort into winning its friendship and trust. It will excite readers to accompany them on their forest adventure.

Out of the many children’s books with great illustrations, readers will find this book about full of vibrant artwork by Cochrane undeniably impressive. It truly is one of the most beautifully illustrated children’s books that any parent or guardian can get!

“A Lion in Paris” by Beatrice Alemagna Is Also Among the Best Illustrated Children’s Books Out There

image of A Lion in Paris showing off why it’s one of the finest children's books with great illustrations
Photo from Amazon

Illustrators are undoubtedly drawn to Beatrice Alemagna’s artwork, as seen by the fact that many of them adore her. That, in my opinion, is because she defies conventional notions of what constitutes children’s book illustration. She tries new things and doesn’t mind being unique.

I also selected this book because of its unique format. It’s large, landscape, and when opened vertically, it becomes a tall portrait book. Since the pictures are displayed on the bottom page, the text, which is distinct on the top page, does not interfere in any way with the artist’s work.

This seems appropriate for Beatrice’s exquisite illustrations, and I appreciate the emphasis and importance they are given.

“I Am the Subway” by Kim Hyo-Eun Is One of the Children’s Books With Stunning Illustrations You Won’t Regret Buying

image of I Am the Subway presenting a beautiful cover that proves it deserves its spot as children's books with great illustrations
Photo from Amazon

“I Am the Subway” is an excellent illustration of a book that benefited from observational drawing and shows how it can be used to create a more unique and realistic work of fiction.

Beautiful small touches can be found everywhere. You can feel the midday heat nearing the conclusion of the book. A double-page spread features bright outdoor light flowing in on everyone’s faces, giving off the impression that they are worn out from the day’s work.

The voice of the Seoul subway, which narrates this book, is quite kind. People’s features appear blank when they are busy or in a crowd of passengers. However, when the viewpoint changes to individuals, their faces are depicted further, and they are able to speak for themselves.

“Haunted House” by Jan Pienkowski Is a Must-Have for Your Impressive Children’s Books With Vibrant Illustrations Collections

image of Haunted House book displaying it’s wonderful art and why it’s among the lovely children's books with great illustrations
Photo from Amazon

I’m not gonna lie. I absolutely adore Jan’s artwork and illustrations. However, I think Haunted House sticks out in particular because it is a truly well-made children’s book.

I adore how the voice expresses one thing, but the visuals are entirely different, giving the impression that the words aren’t quite conveying the entire picture. When I was younger, I found that incredibly appealing. Moreover, the paper construction is incredible.

I still recall how it felt to become completely engrossed in this book.

“Little Echo” by Al Rodin Fits Perfectly for Those Looking for Some Beautiful Children’s Picture Books

image of Little Echo book being one the must-have children's books with great illustrations by blessing our eyes with brilliant colors
Photo from Amazon

Many people have excellent sketching skills, but adding color can quickly become rigid and lifeless. Al has captured the essence of his artwork in this book so well that it appears to be dancing on the surface of the page.

With the help of Echo, the main character, this endearing tale about friendship and discovering your voice highlights all the positive outcomes that can result from trying to be bold and speak up. It also has the air of a book of imaginary play—the kind of journey I recall having as a kid with my pals.

We Hope That You Have Fun Reading These Children’s Books With Great Illustrations

Now that you have an entire list of children’s books with beautiful illustrations, it’s time to read them all! I highly suggest reading “The Dinglehopper Blueberry Belly-Button Snooter,” which is a book about full of vibrant artwork by Cochrane.

If you have some other children’s books that adorn themselves with awesome illustrations, share those suggestions by leaving a comment below. I’m personally excited to read all of your comments, and I look forward to seeing you in the next article.

Oh, and I also recommend reading our article about the top five must-read books about kindness!

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