Big Dreamers: Books to Inspire Young Readers to Dream Big

a photo of a mother reading a book to her daughter | Image by freepik

Magic happens when children are given something to reach for. When they begin to cultivate a dream, even if it may be too big for their young minds to hold, they glow with passion. One of the reasons why it’s essential to inspire young readers to dream is that this contributes to their growth.

Everybody dreams even children who are still too innocent for the world.

While theirs may be too ambitious for their age, these shouldn’t be considered of no importance. They shouldn’t be mistaken as inconsequential simply because they appear during childhood. Children shouldn’t be taken away from their hopes and aspirations because adults presume these are temporary due to their age and immaturity. That’s simply not fair.

Children can dream regardless of how early or significant they may be. Parents and adults around them are expected to encourage and support these desires.

Literature as a Medium to Cultivate Dreams

Literature is among the most effective means of conveying lessons and values. It is also a valuable medium to inspire young readers to dream and aim high.

Reading stories is a common favorite way to deliver wisdom, especially to the younger audience. This is especially true for “big-people” concepts that can be confusing for them to grasp. Other than their parents’ support, they need materials that help them chase and realize whatever their hearts yearn for.

a photo of children reading | Image by freepik

Through books’ wonderful pictures and narratives, children are encouraged to pursue and persevere through their dreams. Literature can also spark meaningful conversations filled with curiosities. Literature inspires young readers to grow by seeking and following their passions, powering through diversity, and achieving their goals.

Here are some of the most influential and inspirational books for young dreamers:

Books that Inspire Young Readers

Children’s minds are still flexible. They’re open to learning and adjusting their traits based on their environment and the materials they’re exposed to. This is precisely why it’s essential to nitpick their sources of entertainment and ensure that these provide nothing but the best for their young minds.

In fact, it’s been found that kids are likely to copy, consciously or subconsciously, characters they read about or watch. Hence, The Lit Perspective has curated some of the best children’s materials to inspire young readers to build their passions and be wherever their hearts beat.

Jessica the Dreamer

This book by Joanne Radke tops our choices of books that inspire young readers to dream. Jessica the Dreamer follows a girl who dreams of the weirdest, most imaginative things in her sleep, from ice cream rivers to literal banana boats. But beyond her dreamland, Jessica cultivates deep in her heart a yearning to be many things when she grows up.

What makes Jessica the Dreamer a perfect material for children is how reflective it is of children’s ambitiousness in real life. Like Jessica, children can be filled with dreams they may not necessarily attain that feed their life motivation. This shouldn’t be discouraged, regardless of how confusing it becomes while listening to them. Joanne’s book can benefit children and parents alike, reminding them never to limit themselves and what they wish to attain.

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The Almost Impossible Thing

Children are often discouraged from dreaming big because, well, they’re tiny. They’re repeatedly reminded to hold themselves back from aiming high because of the possibility that they can’t achieve what they’ve set their minds on. However, this dejection, no matter how well-intended, sparks the first sense of demoralization in children. When they’re told not to dream, they may think doing so is futile.

This book by Basak Agaoglu reminds children that nothing is impossible. While presented in a story that’s too easily fictional, the central lesson highlights that determination can make even the most impossible dreams possible. The Most Impossible Thing is perfect for children who may often feel dejected and are too realistic on their feet. It reminds them that life can be filled with surprises and that it’s never a bad thing to dream big.

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The Extraordinary Lives Collection

This book collates extraordinary men and women who achieved their dreams regardless of the challenges hindering them. It is a realistic depiction of what children may face in life and the satisfaction that comes with overcoming these obstacles. To inspire young readers, real examples are vital to encourage them to work towards their goals with perseverance.

Great things come. This is the focal lesson woven in the book, what children can reap from reading this book written and collated by various authors. It may not be as easy to read as the other materials, but this book packs a punch for inciting inspiration in children.

The North Star

Life is a journey, and Peter Reynolds’s book captures how beautiful an adventure can be. The book reflects how challenging it can be for children to know which path they want to take. It encourages children to wonder and consider all these paths despite the time and effort this will take. The North Star can inspire young readers to observe and introspect what they genuinely want in life. When they’re presented with many alternatives and choices, it’s always up to them to choose where to go and what to follow in their lives.

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Oh, The Places You’ll Go!

If it’s a classic you’re looking for, Dr. Seuss never misses. “You have brains in your head and feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.”

With this tiny excerpt, it’s obvious what kind of lessons and messages the book wishes to convey. It isn’t only written to encourage and inspire young readers but also to remind them of their autonomy in life. The message is timeless and should be something dreamers of all ages should hear. It’s perfect material for those who feel confused and lost in life and for those who are starting their journey.

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